Sunday, December 10, 2006

Where Are They Now?

Listed below are students we've yet to track down or are having difficulties in doing so. It looks a lot but for every person we haven't found, there's many more that we have found. If you have any information on their whereabouts, contact details of parents, family or friends then please send to:

Carren Allen, Katrina Bartlett, Mathew Beard, Jason Beavan, David Bennetts, Grant Booth, Annette Bradhurst, Melissa Bruce-Bell, Alain Chalmers, Christine Chisholm, Andrew Choi, Sun-Mi Choi, Ian Cobner, Adam Craig, Melinda Creighton, Kylie Davies, Fahim Farid (Qadiry), Sharon Finlay, Karen Fletcher, Paul Goddard, Mark Graham, Jeffrey Gray, Anthony Green, Kylie Greenham, Leonie Hardiman, Evarna Hart, Tracey Heywood, Michelle Hofmann, Glenn Ikin, Mathew Jones, Christopher Kwan, Alvin Leung, Kirsten Machon, Justin MacKozdi, Stephen Macleod, Andrew Mawhinney, Andrew Mcdonald, Tony Miller, Cassandra Morgan, Cameron Nesbitt, Sun-Kyung Park, Mark Pottie, Kylie Reid, Kyle Robertson, John Rochford, Geoffrey Scott, Cassandra Sherman, Shalini Singh, Jeffrey Snelling, Sylvia Soghomian, Tod Spicer, Kerry Stace, Rodney Starley, Duncan Symons, Melissa Tooler, Kelly Vollmer, Jason Weyling, Glenn Wilson.

Any help is much appreciated :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John Betts' parents still live at 40 Merrilee Crescent, French's Forest (next door to my parents) - I'll drop a copy of the invite in when I'm there at Christmas