Sunday, December 10, 2006

20 Year Reunion!!!

Announcing the 20 Year Reunion for The Forest High School's Class of '87.

Planning is well under way with the date and venue already confirmed. Many students have already been contacted and early indications point to a fantastic night with more than 100 people showing interest.

At this stage the reunion will be held on Saturday 17th March, 2007 so mark down the date in your diaries. Further details will be sent out shortly so keep posted...

We've also made a good start in tracking down people's details but still have plenty of work to do so make sure you spread the word and forward on any contact details to:

An email will be sent out in the not too distant future with names of students yet to be contacted. The same list will be posted on the blog so please help out where you can. Our aim is to contact as many people as possible and give them the opportunity to attend (even though some may not want to).

The night should be huge so make sure you chase down as many people as possible to make it even better!!!

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