Sunday, January 14, 2007

20 Year Reunion Feedback

A big THANKYOU to all the people who've responded or RSVP'd to the 20 Year Reunion already. We're glad to say we've had heaps of postive feedback so far, which is not only encouraging but makes all the effort worth while. Here's some of the comments people have made to date...

"..I would love to come to this reunion to catch up with all the faces I remember.."

"Ahhh! The memories just come flooding back!"

"Looking forward to the event and seeing one and all."

"I think it will be a fabulous night and I am really looking forward to it."

"I am so stoked to hear that a reunion is was such a blast to hear these names again."

"See you there!! Will be definately attending!! Can't wait."

"I am looking forward to the night and will most certainly be there"

"I'll definitely be there.."

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